'ND-307' Pinto Bean (RFP-158)


Pinto Bean

'ND-307' is a pinto bean variety released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station NDAES) in 2008. 'ND-307' is a line selected from the cross USPT-CBB-3/Matterhorn//Maverick, which was made in 1999. This hybridization series was an attempt to combine good yield, earliness, erect architecture, desirable seed characteristics, and disease resistance.

'ND-307' is a medium-early maturing, high yielding pinto bean, with very good seed size, shape, and appearance. The seed is very uniform in size, and of similar appearance. The seed of 'ND-307' has a light background, with light brown mottle. One particular feature of this line is the absence of the seed yellow hilar ring, which is characteristic of a pinto bean. Instead, the hilar ring is orange and its color intensity is slightly variable among seeds.

'ND-307' has white flowers, dark green leaf color, is semi-erect (Type IIb, short vine), with good lodging resistance. 'ND-307' exhibits good synchronous plant drydown prior to harvest (both plant and pods mature concurrently). Days to maturity are similar to 'Maverick'. 'ND-307' has intermediate resistance to most rust races present in North Dakota, but is susceptible to the new rust race 20-3. 'ND-307' is resistant to bean common mosaic virus, but it is susceptible to the necrotic strain (NL-3).

This variety is protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970 as amended in 1994 (“PVPA”). The PVPA prohibits, among other things, the propagation, multiplication, production, sale, use or advertisement of this protected variety without either an assignment or license from the NDSU Research Foundation.

To ensure genetic purity, 'ND-307' has been protected under PVPA Title V (certificate no. 200900009) and must be sold as a class of certified seed. 

Development of this variety was made possible through funds provided by the Northarvest Bean Growers Association and the North Dakota Dry Edible Bean Seed Growers Association.


ND307 Brochure.pdf

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