'Pinnacle' Two-Rowed Barley (RFP-141)



'Pinnacle' has barley parentage of mostly experimental lines, but includes 'Logan' and 'Foster' in its early ancestry. The original cross was made in 1999 by Jerry Franckowiak, former NDSU two-rowed barley breeder who retired in 2006. 'Pinnacle' has a white hull, smooth awns and long rachilla hair. 'Pinnacle' has greater resistance to spot blotch than 'Conlon', North Dakota's leading two-rowed barley, and approaches that of 'Lacey' and 'Drummond', which are six-rowed varieties. Fusarium head blight resistance, measured as a percent of infected kernels, is slightly less than that of 'Conlon', while the deoxynivalenol (DON) level is slightly higher.

Based on four years of trials in North Dakota by the NDSU barley breeding program, 'Pinnacle' has a 15 percent yield advantage over 'Conlon'. 'Pinnacle' heads out about three days later than 'Conlon', but has greater straw strength than 'Conlon' and approaches that of the strongest six-rowed varieties.

One of 'Pinnacle's strengths is its excellent quality, making it a possible candidate for malting and brewing uses. Compared with 'Conlon, 'Pinnacle' has lower protein and a higher percentage of plump kernels. The remainder of its malting characteristics is similar to 'Conlon', which is accepted by the malting and brewing industry. 'Pinnacle' has been tested for a year by the American Malting Barley Association and has received a satisfactory rating in all tests.

'Pinnacle' is expected to have a significant economic impact on the state's barley industry because of its significant yield advantage, increased plumpness and reduced protein compared with 'Conlon'.

To help ensure genetic purity, 'Pinnacle' is protected under the PVPA Title V (certificate No.  200900010) and must be sold as a class of certified seed. 


Pinnacle Brochure.pdf

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