Cosmic Flare™ Sugar Maple - Acer saccharum

Cosmic Flare - summer Cosmic Flare - autumn


This selection originated from a seedling propagated boulevard tree in Fargo, North Dakota. Similar shape as Apollo® sugar maple but wider making it an excellent boulevard tree candidate. Extremely dense foliage during the summer with earlier fall shutdown as compared to other commercially available cultivars.


USDA hardiness zones 3b to 6

Mature Size:

Height: 30'
Spread: 18'

Form (Shape):


Growth Rate:



Spring/Summer: excellent medium green color throughout the summer showing no signs of chlorosis on a soil pH greater than 7.8
Autumn: ranges from yellow-orange to orange-red, depending on the year.




Produced in drooping corymbs before the leaves emerge. Short-lived spring interest, not overly showy.


Schizocarp (two-winged samara) ripening in fall, not showy.

Light Preferences:

Full sun exposure

Soil Preferences:

Prefers a deep, well-drained, non-droughty soil, will tolerate higher pH levels than the species.


Summer budding onto northern sugar maple rootstocks.

Ornamental Attributes

Extreme density of the summer foliage and pyramidal-rounded form which sets it apart from the species (upright oval to rounded with a height of 45 feet and 40-foot spread) and other sugar maple cultivars.

Landscape Attributes:

Excellent medium green color throughout the summer showing no signs of chlorosis on a soil pH greater than 7.

Patent Status:

  • U.S. Trademark - pending
  • Canadian Trademark - pending


The mature form is similar to Greenspire® linden (Tilia cordata 'PNI 6025') which is one of the most commonly planted littleleaf linden cultivars. Littleleaf lindens have been overplanted in many regions and Cosmic Flare™ would be an excellent substitute for planting diversity.

Licensing Status:

This cultivar is available for non-exclusive licensing.


Not available commercially yet


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