
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

The USPTO is within the U.S. Department of Commerce and is charged with reviewing new ideas to determine if they are patentable. This site contains information about the patenting process and also has a searchable database of all U.S. patents and published U.S. patent applications (usually published 18 months after initial filing). Patents may also be searched on Google’s patent page.

United States Copyright Office

The U.S. Copyright Office is housed in the Library of Congress. They are charged with registering copyrights, and this site provides information about the registration process for new creative works, including writings, art, software code, architectural designs, etc. It is a repository of publishing information.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

WIPO is the central filing office for worldwide patent applications to be filed. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, it provides information about the process of filing worldwide patent applications. The site has a database of worldwide (via the Patent Cooperation Treaty also known as the Paris Convention Treaty (PCT)) patents and patent applications. 

Association of University Technology Managers™ (AUTM)

The Association of University Technology Managers™ is an international association of technology managers and business executives who manage intellectual property. This site contains an extensive listing of technology transfer resources, including the locations of technology transfer offices at major universities.  

Licensing Executives Society (LES)

The Licensing Executives Society is a society of professionals involved in licensing, transferring, using, developing, manufacturing, and marketing intellectual property.

North Dakota Research and Technology Park (RTP)

NDSU Research and Technology Park is a space where university researchers and private industry can combine their talents to develop new technologies, methods, and systems. The RTP operates a technology incubator that can provide space, as well as business mentoring, to start-up or spin-off companies, based on NDSU-developed technologies which the NDSU Research Foundation licenses.

The Great Plains Region NSF I-Corps Hub

The National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (I-Corps) is an immersive, entrepreneurial training program that prepares researchers to extend their focus beyond the laboratory to increase the economic and societal impact of NSF-funded and other basic research projects. The Great Plains Region is a consortium of eight partner universities to bring together their researchers’ expertise and the universities’ resources to support the Hub’s activities.

Greater Fargo–Moorhead Economic Development Corporation (GFMEDC) 

The mission of the Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development Corporation is to grow and diversify the economy in Cass County, ND, and Clay County, MN through the attraction, retention, and expansion of primary sector employers. Greater Fargo Moorhead and companies located here benefit from a business-friendly environment, a well-developed and established infrastructure, exceptional higher education and research institutions, and a culture of hard work and collaboration. One of the many services the GFMEDC provides is to facilitate access to and assist with applications for, financial incentives and employer training programs for new and existing businesses.

Emerging Prairie - Startup Brew

Emerging Prairie was founded to turn Fargo into a vibrant startup community. Its mission is to connect and celebrate the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Fargo–Moorhead. StartupBREW Fargo is a morning meetup for entrepreneurs, innovators, creatives, and community members alike to come together and explore the entrepreneurial journey.

North Dakota Small Business Development Centers (ND SBDC)

The ND SBDC provides small businesses with assistance and resources such as training resources, one-on-one business consulting, and business plan writing.

SBIR Gateway

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/STTR is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development that has the potential for commercialization. Several Federal agencies participate in this program. Phase I awards are for up to $150,000 and Phase II awards are for up to $1 million.

North Dakota SBIR/STTR Assistance

The North Dakota SBIR/STTR Program helps small businesses compete for federal research & development dollars. The program enables entrepreneurs to develop technologies that offer solutions to the nation’s most pressing scientific and engineering problems while allowing small businesses to profit from commercialization. For more information contact: 

North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES)

NDAES consists of seven research extension centers located throughout the state, with the main research station located on the campus of NDSU. NDAES has 14 crop breeding programs that develop crop and horticultural varieties adaptable to ND, the US, and some other parts of the world. The NDAES also operates a state-of-the-art greenhouse complex to advance research and education in plant breeding, genetics, horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, plant nutrition, and associated disciplines. 

North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association (NDCISA)

The NDCISA’s mission is to enhance ND agriculture through the production, promotion, and distribution of pure seed. The NDCISA is an organization of ND seed growers who obtain the first allocations of Foundation class seed in order to increase the seed supply of new and existing crop varieties, to enable commercialization of the varieties that help feed the United States and the world population. 

North Dakota Foundation Seedstocks Project (NDFSS)

The ND Foundation Seedstocks Project at NDSU increases maintains and distributes foundation class seeds of new and established crop varieties. It is involved with breeder seed production, variety purification, re-purification, and maintaining foundation class seed of crop varieties developed at NDSU and assigned to the NDSU Research Foundation. It distributes foundation class seeds to the ND Crop Improvement and Seed Association and other seedsmen. 

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