'Elgin-ND' Hard Red Spring Wheat (RFP-207)



'Elgin-ND' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the summer of 2012 with first distribution in 2013. 'Elgin-ND' is widely adapted to the ND and spring wheat region with very high yield compared to the most grown cultivars, including 'Glenn', and 'Barlow'.

'Elgin-ND' has medium to strong straw strength similar to 'Glenn' and 'Faller' with conventional height, similar to 'Parshall'. It is medium early maturity similar to 'Velva'. 'Elgin-ND has high grain protein, comparable to 'Glenn' but superior to 'Faller' and 'Barlow'. Test weight of 'Elgin-ND' is average, similar to 'Steele-ND'. Overall, 'Elgin-ND' has good milling (flour extraction similar to 'Glenn') and baking qualities similar to 'Barlow' and 'Howard'.

'Elgin-ND' possesses an excellent disease resistance package. It is moderate resistant/moderate susceptible to scab (similar to 'Barlow'). It is resistant to leaf and stem rusts prevalent races and medium susceptible/resistant to the new emerging leaf rust race Lr21.

'Elgin-ND' was developed by using several breeding methodologies including the modified pedigree breeding method. Winter nurseries in Arizona and New Zealand were used to speed up the process of 'Elgin-ND' development and seed production. 'Elgin-ND' was observed for more than 12 crop cycles (F3-F15) generations from 2002 to 2011 and was stable and uniform within commercially acceptable limits for all traits.

To help ensure genetic purity, 'Elgin-ND' Hard Red Spring Wheat is protected under PVPA Title V (issued certificate No. 201300367) and must be sold as a class of certified seed.


Elgin-ND Brochure pdf

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