'ND Hammond' flax (RFP-301)


ND Hammond was released from the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2018. The North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association (NDCISA) has a license agreement with the NDSU Research Foundation to produce and distribute ND Hammond.

ND Hammond is a brown seeded flax variety. This new variety is adapted to the north-central flax growing region of the United States based on 2015-2017 NDSU flax breeding nursery trial results.

ND Hammond has high yield potential. In trials from 2015-2017 ND Hammond had the greatest average yield of all entries evaluated. The average yield of ND Hammond across North Dakota in 2017 was 34.6 bu/acre.

ND Hammond compared with Carter is one day later to first flower, matures one day earlier and is 0.3 inches taller.

ND Hammond has good oil drying quality and resistance to flax wilt. This variety has blue flowers and medium seed size.

ND Hammond was named in honor of longtime NDSU flax breeder Dr. James Hammond who made significant contributions to flax research. 

This variety has been exclusively licensed by the ND Crop Improvement and Seed Association.  Additional information about growing this variety can be found at https://www.ndcropimprovement.com/seed/

To help ensure genetic purity, the NDSU Research Foundation has applied for protection for ND Hammond under the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) with Title V (certificate No. 201900186) and must be sold as a class of certified seed.   


ND Hammond Brochure.pdf

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