'ND Stanley' durum (RFP-335)

ND Stanley was developed at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2021. This variety has extremely high yield, combined with strong straw and excellent protein. With the exception of ND Riveland, ND Stanley out yielded all of the cultivars in the URDN when tested across North Dakota. Similarly, it had higher yield than all of the cultivars except ND Riveland when tested across locations in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota.

The variety has a strong disease package, and excellent end use quality durum millers are looking for. Along with larger kernels than most, it has higher protein content than all other cultivars. ND Stanley would be a good fit for any durum producer in the region.

To help ensure genetic purity, 'ND Stanley' durum has been protected under PVPA Title V (certificate no. 202200006) and must be sold as a class of certified seed.

This variety has been exclusively licensed by ND Crop Improvement and Seed Association. Additional information about growing this variety can be found at https://www.ndcropimprovement.com/seed/.


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