Northern Acclaim®Thornless Honeylocust - Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Harve’ (RFM-30)

A medium to large spreading upright pyramidal tree selection of thornless honeylocust with greater winter hardiness than the standard available cultivars in the nursery trade. Introduced by North Dakota State University, Northern Acclaim® is seedless and maintains attractive bright green foliage during the summer months changing to golden-yellow in the fall.
USDA hardiness zone 3b-6
Mature Size:
Height: 40-50', Spread: 30-35'
Form (Shape):
Pyramidal to upright spreading with age
Growth Rate:
Moderate to Fast
Summer: Bright green Pinnately and bi-pinnately compound leaves producing a dappled shade during the summer months. Autumn: Golden yellow fall color.
Fine-Medium in leaf, Medium in winter
Greenish-yellow racemes (male), insignificant
This cultivar is seedless (fruitless); it does not produce the pods associated with female honeylocust plants.
Light Preferences:
Full sun exposure
Soil Preferences:
Well drained soils, pH adaptable and tolerant of higher pH soils. Has shown good drought tolerance.
Chip budding onto one-year field established rootstocks.
Ornamental Attributes:
The pyramidal to upright spreading growth form combined with the thornless and seedless attributes and greater cold hardiness make Northern Acclaim® a valuable addition to the tree selections list for use in the central and northern U.S. and southern Canada, where adapted.
Landscape Attributes:
Northern Acclaim® is an urban tolerant, turf friendly and drought tolerant selection. Minimum leaf litter, making autumn cleanup unnecessary. Uses for this cultivar are in landscape, boulevard, and parks plantings where an attractive hardy ornamental tree is desired. Resistant to canker disease.
Patent Status:
- U.S. Trademark registered – Northern Acclaim®
- Canadian Trademark registered
Licensing Status:
This cultivar is available for non-exclusive licensing.
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