Northern Advance® American Sycamore - Platanus occidentalis 'Bismarck’ (RFM-55)

Evaluation of seedling populations and clonal propagated selections for over 25 years at NDSU resulted in the release of this cultivar in 2009. Northern Advance® is capable of attaining a tree of large stature. It has been winterhardy in USDA Zone 3 in Bismarck, ND for over 35 years, and in eastern North Dakota trials for over 20 years. The American Planetree (Sycamore) is a fairly rapid growing species and transplants of ‘Bismarck’ should not be fertilized when young to allow proper acclimation or hardening-off of new seasonal growth. Based on NDSU evaluations, this cultivar may extend the success range of this species a minimum of 100-200 miles further north; hence its trademark name. Due to lower humidity levels in the Northern Plains region, anthracnose, a fungal disease, is not anticipated to be problematic. Foliage characteristics and flaky, exfoliating bark features are similar to the species. It may best be utilized along stream corridors, or in open areas such as parks, sports facilities and campuses. It is a hardier cultivar to help diversify tree plantings. It is not generally recommended as a street tree or for sites affected by drought. Nursery propagation by softwood cuttings has been initiated.
Potential Uses or Applications
Nursery stock, shade, boulevard, and specimen landscape tree
Development Stage
Plant propagation material can be obtained from NDSU Plant Sciences Department or trees from licensed nursery subject to availability.
Patent Status
U.S. Trademark registered – Northern Advance®
This cultivar is available for non-exclusive licensing.
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