Northern Flare® Sugar Maple - Acer saccharum ‘Sisseton' (RFM-45)

A very hardy northern sugar maple selection that exhibits excellent foliage quality, crown density, resistance to leaf tatter, and consistent attractive reddish-orange fall coloration. Northern Flare® was selected from a seedling population from the most northwestern extension of the native sugar maple range west of Sisseton, SD.
USDA hardiness zone 3b-6
Mature Size:
Height: 40-50', Spread: 30-40'
Form (Shape):
Oval to broadly ovate
Growth Rate:
Summer: Green to dark green in color, heavier textured (leathery) than eastern North American sugar maple selections.
Autumn: Orange to reddish-orange in late September.
Produced in drooping corymbs before the leaves emerge. Short lived spring interest, not overly showy.
Two winged samara ripening in fall, not showy.
Light Preference:
Full sun exposure
Soil Preference:
Prefers a deep, well-drained, non-droughty soil, will tolerate higher soil pH levels than the species.
Chip budding onto northern sugar maple rootstocks
Ornamental Attributes:
Northern Flare® is a dependably winter hardy sugar maple selection with excellent summer foliage quality and attractive orange red fall color.
Landscape Attributes:
Recommended for use as a landscape and public grounds tree, parks, schools, golf courses, wherever tree diversity and adaptability to northern conditions are important.
This cultivar was introduced because of its increased adaptation and performance to other named commercial cultivars evaluated in the Northern Plains.
Patent Status:
U.S. Trademark registered – Northern Flare®
Licensing Status:
This cultivar is available for non-exclusive licensing.
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